
The ayurvedic diagnostic strategy I work with is based on profound concepts of understanding health and the origins of disease. An osteopathic and physical examination is carried out additionally. I take all factors that could affect health (for example psychic and social factors) into account when I make an assessment.


During individual treatments I apply advice from Ayurvedic medicine, my own experience, as well as breathing and movement therapy. The active involvement of  you with the aim of selfhelp plays a central role. 


Please bring your preliminar examinations and your medical diagnosis (for example orthopedic diagnosis).


My treatment could also be accompanied by allopathic therapies.


What is Ayurveda?

Translated from the ancient Indian sanscrit language, Ayurveda means "knowledge of life" and is the name of the traditional Indian medicine. Ayurveda has been practiced for over 2000 years in Southeast Asia as folk medicine and is the most ancient health doctrine worldwide that is still practiced successfully.

Ayurvedic medicine is acknowledged as a medical science by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Europe, up to now, Ayurveda has been basically a wellness trend, even though it is supported by a thousand year old tradition for the treatment of diseases. Surely it will play a more important role in complementary medicine in Europe and elsewhere.


How does Ayurveda work?

Ayurveda works on a holistic foundation, in which the patient stands in the centre of the treatment as an individual. The elements of therapy are variegated and comprise psychosomatic, preventive and nutritional therapy. Only the successful combination of these therapeutic elements will allow the effectiveness of Ayurveda to unfold. This is why an Ayurvedic therapy plan always comprises several measures that act on different existential levels of the patient.

After each diagnosis/first examination, an extensive written therapy plan is elaborated and then discussed with the patient.


The power of Ayurveda

Maintenance, preservation and the promotion of health are as important as the treatment and elimination of diseases in Ayurveda. Every human being with his/her individual bodystructure, metabolic conditions, vulnerabilities and preferences - among others, is perceived and treated considering his/her individual constitution (the so called doshas: vata, pitta, kapha).

Correspondingly, there are no standard therapies based only on symptoms, because the therapeutic proceedings, food and advice on behaviour are always oriented by the patients individual premises.




My main focuspoints are, among others:


accute and chronic pain

- backpain

- any other ailment of the musculoskeletal system

- tenseness in the nape, shoulder area, treatment of the cervical spine

- headache and migraine


psychosomatic ailments

- burnout syndrome

- stress symptoms

- sleep disorders, nervousness, restlessness, depressive mood


thyroid disfunction

independent treatment, or, in severe cases, concomitant or treatment complementary to allopathic treatments in cases of:

- subnormal functioning of the thyroid

- above normal functioning of the thyroid

- Hashimoto Thyreoiditis

- Morbus Basedow


This list is only en excerpt of the ailments I treat. You can contact me any time to ask me about any other ailment or doubts.


The treatment is chosen - also in combinations - depending on the patient´s needs among these options:


ayurvedic medicine


biodynamic craniosacral therapy

deep fascia treatment, deep tissue massage, triggerpoint massage, shiatsu

yoga therapy


respiratory therapy and relaxing methods